Morawski Fine Art

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Chickadee's Fall Perch, 12x9, pastel original artbird painting

Vincent Van Gogh once said, "As long as Autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas, and colors enough to paint the beautiful things I see." I can relate to that. Fall is definitely my favorite season! I love the cooler air, fall's colors, and the promise of upcoming holidays. It's also a season in nature that provides lots of inspiration for my artwork.

Plus, Fall is also a time for my new Fall Art Shows, which include my new paintings for the season! In addition, check out all my art events on my link: Art Shows and Galleries.

One of my recent paintings includes, Chickadee's Fall Perch. The painting's subject is a neighborhood chickadee that I love to watch and who visits my bird feeders. Chickadees are small energetic, cheerful, and curious birds. A bird who's easy to put on my Favorites List!

My next Art Show is called RiverARTOBER, October 5th and 6th, hosted by one of my favorite galleries, River Art Group, at 418 Villita St., San Antonio. Look for my Traveling Art Gallery in Booth #26 on Villita Street. Hope you'll join me!

Happy Fall! Hope it's the best ever!

Cindy Morawski
Studio: 210-522-0706
Cell: 210-897-1306

Payments can be made with cash, check or credit/debit.



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